
Die deutsche Pink Floyd - Community




Fictitious Sports

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Fictitious Sports
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Boo Too You Too
Do Ya?
I'm A Mineralist

Boo Too You Too

(Auch Ihr Werdet Ausgebuht)

Text: Bley
Musik: Bley
aus: Fictitious Sports    (01.05.1981)

Bearbeiter: Hey You
Stand:       25.01.2008 00:42:07

Boo Too You Too

Just when we was startin' to play
Someone yelled out take 'em away
Then we heard 'em startin' to boo
What did you do? What did you do?
I reacted intelligently
Here's my method, try it and see
When somebody's runnin' you down
You got to turn it around, turn it around

So when they boo at me you know what I do?
I tell 'em boo to you too, boo to you too
Boo to you too, boo to you too

I don't take it personally
When somebody's booin' at me
Makes no difference if the music is fine
I never pay it no mind, pay it no mind
When you're tryin' something that's new
You'll have people booin' at you
When we hear 'em startin' to boo
What do we do? What do we do?

Well when they boo at us you know what we do?
We tell 'em boo to you too, boo to you too
Boo to you too, boo to you too

Keep your chin up, play what you feel
Music's always grand if it's real
Even if they're cruel to you
You got to do what you do, do what you do
When they're ready to tear you apart
Use your noodle adn try to be smart
Don't just stand there takin' abuse
You got to put it to use, put it to use

You make 'em boo on cue, they say boo
And you say boo to you too
Boo to you too, boo to you too

You make 'em boo on cue, they say boo
And you say boo to you too
Boo to you too, boo to you too

Boo to you too, boo to you too
Boo to you too, boo to you too

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