
Die deutsche Pink Floyd - Community




Rattle That Lock

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Rattle That Lock
5 A.M.
Rattle That Lock
Faces Of Stone
A Boat Lies Waiting
Dancing Right In Front Of Me
In Any Tongue
The Girl In The Yellow Dress
And Then ...

A Boat Lies Waiting

(Ein Boot Liegt Und Wartet)

Text: Polly Samson
Musik: David Gilmour
Vocals: David Gilmour
aus: Rattle That Lock    (18.09.2015)

Bearbeiter: KatzenHai
Stand:       12.08.2016 17:19:54

David Gilmour erinnert an den 2008 verstorbenen Pink-Floyd-Keyboarder Richard Wright, der ein sehr enger persönlicher Freund war und viele Jahre seines Lebens auf Segelbooten gelebt hat. Er ist selbst kurz zu hören: "...it´s like going to the sea. There´s nothing..." ("Es ist, als ob man auf See geht. Da ist nichts.")
Texterin Polly Samson, Ehefrau von David Gilmour, hat in einem Interview 2015 hierzu erklärt:
"You know, I knew Rick for 23 years and, for example, we’ve never been able to watch (the Wright-featuring Gilmour DVD) Live in Gdańsk, to this day. Normally, we would stick something like that on—but it’s incredibly painful. That last year with Rick, and he was playing like a demon, I mean, it was incredible, he really came to life on that tour, and our friendship got really deep throughout that tour. And then this awful awful, mercifully quite quick, decline.
David had been trying to find other keyboard-players and, until he tried to find other keyboard-players, I think he hadn’t realized what he’s lost. I mean, he knew that he’d lost his friend. But he didn’t realize how completely irreplaceable that musical kinship is, that history of playing all those years together, that way that, without any communication, they can just play music together, and it will sound like that. So, he was in a state of some despair about how was he ever going to find someone that he could play with in the way that he played with Rick.
It was at that point that I was walking with that piece of music and it’s got that real suggestiveness of a boat rocking. And Rick lived on his boat. In a way, the time when you most loved Rick was when he was on his boat because that’s when he was happiest. As I was walking along thinking about it, I probably saw a boat in the distance and I suddenly thought, I know how to express this, and I know that this is the thing that David is feeling the most acutely at the moment. And that’s how it came about. Actually, it’s been the song in the lead-up to this album being completed that, when he’s played tracks to friends, it’s had a 100 percent make-them-cry hit rate. Which is a bit cruel to the friends but it’s been terribly nice for us."

Ein Boot Liegt Und Wartet

A Boat Lies Waiting


Was ich nie gewusst habe
In der Stille hörte ich Dich
Und ein Boot liegt wartend
All deine Wolken sind immer noch feuerrot
Das leichte Gefühl der alten Zeiten

Something I never knew
In silence I'd hear you
And a boat lies waiting
Still your clouds all flaming
That old time easy feeling


Was ich verloren habe ist ein Ozean
Durch den ich jetzt ohne dich treibe
In dieser traurigen Barkarole

What I lost was an ocean
Now I'm drifting through without you
In this sad barcarolle


Was ich verloren habe ist ein Ozean
Und ich schlingere gerade hinter dir
In dieser traurigen Barkarole

What I lost was an ocean
And I'm rolling right behind you
In this sad barcarolle


Es schaukelt dich wie eine Wiege
Es schaukelt dich bis ins Mark
Du schläfst wie ein Baby
Als es an das Tor des Todes klopft

It rocks you like a cradle
It rocks you to the core
You'll sleep like a baby
As it knocks at Death's door


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