Bruder Franziskus

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Ingo Friedenberger
[Advertising Manager]

21:28 Uhr
@ Waeller

Der schwarze Fleck ist doch richtig gruseli

Warum? Wenn ich grinse sehe ich immer so aus.


12:27 Uhr

Passend zur Jahreszeit


They have an audience and people who have an audience ought to be heard. Perhaps it´s my fault that I don´t appreciate. (Hans Keller)


12:59 Uhr
@ Vega

david macht scheinbar alles um fit zu bleiben-übers seil balancieren,schlittschuh fahren...
super-dann bleibt er uns hoffentlich lange erhalten!'

das foto ist schön.

Double Bubble

07:16 Uhr

From memory, Dave transplanted the necks of the two Strats he was touring with at that time, a black model and a sunburst model, directly onto the body. Dick Knight built the body from solid Mahogany. I think Dave's idea was that he could set up one neck for slide duty, and keep the other as a regular neck, hence the two six-string necks. Probably it also served as a visual thing, though it looks a bit messy with one maple and one rosewood neck. I imagine Dave would use the instrument for the entire gig, back pain not withstanding.

Dick Knight is an interesting guy. Back in the '60s, luthiery was fairly unknown in the world of guitar making. If you wore out the frets on your guitar, you found a new neck or a new guitar. If you watch Jethro Tull's performance for The Rolling Stones' Rock 'n' Roll Circus, the bassist is playing a Fender Jazz bass with a left handed neck. Why? Because he toasted the frets on the original neck and could only find a lefty neck when he tried to get it fixed. The first big-name luthiers were Dick Knight and John Birch. Birch modified, and built, Tony Iommi's SG guitars. He also built the whacky custom-shaped guitars for Slade and other glam bands. Dick Knight made a white Les Paul-style guitar for Dave Brock of Hawkwind.

Dick Knight is perhaps most noteworthy for making fake 1958-59 Les Pauls. Basically, you take an inferior model (be it a Gold painted Les Paul, or an earlier model from 1952 - 1957), you strip the paint, refinish it in the hallowed Sunburst paint scheme, replace all the parts needed and try and pass it off as a genuine 1958 model. These guitars are desirable, being that Jimmy Page, Peter Green, Eric Claptop et al built careers on these instruments. The problem is that Dick Knight's conversion Les Pauls are now so old, and so convincing, that guitar dealers get burnt handling them.  



10:07 Uhr
@ Double Bubble

1958-59 Les Pauls eine -originale- ist so viel wert wie eine kleine Eigentumswohnung  

Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemokraten!

Double Bubble

07:44 Uhr ... ...


08:22 Uhr
@ Immer noch ein schönes Paar!
American novelist Donna Tartt, author of The Secret History, was honoured last night with a dinner at Mr Chow in Knightsbridge, hosted by Porter magazine and attended by actor Richard E. Grant, designer Christopher Kane, Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour and his wife Polly Samson.

click here


09:57 Uhr
@ Waeller

ja,finde ich auch!


12:47 Uhr

Das Bild hab ich noch gar nicht gekannt!
So einen Fingerzeig, ist man zwar von Roger gewohnt aber von David irgendwie außergewöhnlich.

Über die Geste, scheint Polly belustigt und Roger sehr erstaunt zu sein!


14:38 Uhr
@ Waeller

schöne Fotomontage...


08:55 Uhr

Nick gestern beim GP von Monaco mit Noel Edmonds und seiner Frau Liz Davies


10:43 Uhr
Polly Samson auf Twitter:
Pop-up restaurant @shakespeare_co for @Damian_Barr #Paris #Bonheur

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