
neues Album von Gilmour ?!?      [6067]

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Wäre ja verdammt schnell.


He makes his way into the see-saw land

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[Local Agent Harz]

17:44 Uhr
Ich glaube nicht, dass Col Turner Müll schreibt bzw. man ihm einen Bären aufgebunden hat. Er schreibt ja, er wußte schon seit einer Weile, dass man an Endless River arbeitet. Er weiß auch mehr drüber, jedoch darf er nix drüber schreiben. Er hatte eine Story im Nachgang zu Pollys Tweet vorbereitet, die musste er offline nehmen.

New Album From Pink Floyd Hot on the heels of the confirmed new David Gilmour album in 2015 comes the news that a new Pink Floyd album is on it's way in October this year! We have known about this album for some time but were sworn to secrecy, now we can reveal the details. The album, named 'The Endless River' is based on the 1994 sessions of The Division Bell. Nick Mason referenced the source material (in his book ‘Inside Out,’) saying “we eventually ended up with enough left-over material that we considered releasing it as a second album,” and naming it 'The Big Spliff." But the new album is more than just a series of outtakes! David Gilmour, Nick Mason and the late Rick Wright originally performed a series of ambient instrumentals which have since been worked on by both David Gilmour & Nick Mason. Last December David brought in backing singers Sarah Brown, Durga McBroom-Hudson and Louise Clare Marshall to sing the backing vocals for a song in which David Gilmour sings lead vocals. An interesting aside is that Polly Samson is now credited as being a Lyricist on the new album. We can also confirm that THERE WILL BE NO TOUR. And for those hoping for input from Roger Waters the answer is a resounding NO! (5 July 2014)

The OFFICIAL statement reads: Pink Floyd can confirm that they are releasing a new album, The Endless River, in October 2014. It is an album of mainly ambient and instrumental music based on the 1993/4 Division Bell sessions. The album is produced by David Gilmour with Phil Manzanera, Youth and recording engineer Andy Jackson. Work is still in progress, but more details to come at the end of the summer.

Footnote: The site was closed this past weekend and the following is the reason why:

I became aware of details about a new Pink Floyd album some time ago. However I was requested by Pink Floyd Management not to release any details of this until such a time as an official statement was made.   I undertook not to do so. Early on 5 July Polly Samson Tweeted about the album and I made the assumption that I was now able to release the details I had about the new album. (The FIRST site on the internet to do so) However, after posting the news on this site I notified Pink Floyd Management about what I had done. I was then asked to remove the story as it had not been cleared by official channels. Col  

Normalerweise hat das ,was Turner schreibt, immer Hand und Fuß.

Hier gehts um Gilmours Album:

David Gilmour Album - Major Announcement We have had it OFFICIALLY confirmed that David Gilmour's new album is planned to be released in 2015  . Although a lot of work has already been completed (and is still underway) the album is nowhere ready to be recorded as yet. It's also been confirmed that David has not yet decided to tour the new album next year, although we do have our fingers & toes crossed. (Filed 17 June) UPDATE Another reliable source has suggested May 2015 although that is NOT official. Further Update Despite some doubters out there we can confirm that the news of David's album sometime in 2015 is OFFICIAL and when we say OFFICIAL, we mean OFFICIAL!!!!!

Hier ist auch nochmal das Zitat von Graham Nash »I´m leaving here, I´m taking the Train to Brighton, to go and sing with David Gilmour on his  new record.«


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19:34 Uhr
@ Jester

danke für die zusammenfassung!
also doch 2 alben!!!!!'
spannende zeiten!


21:35 Uhr
ok 2 Alben ,  dann kann man ja auch auf eine Tour hoffen.

Nächsten Sommer , wieder an besonders schönen Orten. Wie letztes Mal. Wenn die Kinder Ferien haben und mitreisen können.


14:08 Uhr
Also so, wie ich das verstanden habe, ist es wohl so gut wie "Fakt", dass 2015 ein neues Gilmour Album rauskommt, er sich aber noch nicht entschieden hat, ob er damit touren will, oder nicht.
Hmm, dann soll er sich mal langsam entscheiden, der Lümmel.


16:31 Uhr
@ Schlappen


und dann bitte--wie pompejie schrieb--nächsten sommer an besonders schönen orten...'

[Der Buchmacher]

17:07 Uhr
@ Schlappen sich aber noch nicht entschieden hat, ob er damit touren will, oder nicht.

Ich prognostiziere mal: Entweder er tourt nicht, oder in kleinem, bescheidenen Rahmen à la On An Island - also in kleineren Hallen und mit minimalem technischen Aufwand. Dann wird es wieder schwer an Tickets zu kommen...

I don't need your tongue to cut me (Roger Waters)

[Local Agent Harz]

17:26 Uhr
@ Neccropole

und danach leckt er wieder Blut und macht noch einige ausgewählte Konzerte vom Schlage München und Klam :-)


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18:42 Uhr
@ Neccropole

in kleinem, bescheidenen Rahmen à la On An Island - also in kleineren Hallen und mit minimalem technischen Aufwand.

  Das würde uns doch reichen , etwa so wie in Dortmund oder München .

Esmuß ja nich so dicke wie in Gdansk  sein .  

rot-weiße Grüße  Werner


18:47 Uhr
@ lunatic100

Aber Danzig war absolut klasse!


He makes his way into the see-saw land



19:11 Uhr
@ deha

Aber Danzig war absolut klasse!

Da gibts ja auch genug CDs und DVDs  von.  

rot-weiße Grüße  Werner


19:26 Uhr
@ lunatic100

genug? Hm, könnte mehr sein  

Ich würde mich auf jeden Fall freuen, wenn ich die Jungs bei weiteren Konzerten sehen könnte, egal in welcher Konstellation. Ich würde es einfach nur genießen, derartige Ausnahmemusiker erleben zu können.  


He makes his way into the see-saw land



20:02 Uhr
@ lunatic100

Urlaub vorbei?

44 Jahre mit Pink Floyd - click here

es gibt intelligente Menschen, es gibt hübsche Menschen - und es gibt die Mehrheit
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