
Abmahnwelle im Auftrag von Pink Floyd Music Ltd.      [6696]
Solltet ihr in irgend einer Form RoIOs und auch Radio-Shows von Pink Floyd zum Kauf anbieten wollen, rate ich dringend davon ab, das über allgemein zugängliche Medien zu tun.

Die Kanzlei Sasse und Partner mit Sitz u.a. in Hamburg mahnt derzeit massiv solche Anbieter ab.
Das kann dann richtig teuer werden.

Dave, man kann nur auf einer Gitarre gleichzeitig spielen!  

Shine On, Frank
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14:07 Uhr
@ Patrick

sagt er zu Nick denn auch Nicholas ?

Zu dem sagt er wohl (fast) gar nichts mehr. Er war ja angeblich sehr verärgert über die Veröffentlichung von "Inside Out"  

PINK FLOYD 20.06.1989, Frankfurt (GER)
R. Waters 18.05.2002, Koeln (GER) * 16.04.2007, Koeln (GER) * 08./09.04.2011, Arnheim (NL) * 03.06.2011, Mannheim (GER) * 01.07.2011, Paris (F)
D. Gilmour 18.03.2006, Frankfurt (GER)


14:22 Uhr
@ Rufus_The_Dog

Zu dem sagt er wohl (fast) gar nichts mehr. Er war ja angeblich sehr verärgert über die Veröffentlichung von "Inside Out"  
Das dürfte wohl langsam mal ausgestanden sein, denke ich. Es ist anzunehmen, dass sie durch die ganzen zukünftigen Neuveröffentlichungen und durch das Raritätensammeln in sehr engem Kontakt stehen.


14:24 Uhr
@ froes

P.S.: Ich habe meine offenen Brief in Dave Gilmours Blog  

....war wohl nicht die beste Idee ,

besser wäre es wohl in engl. an PF LTD   gewesen  

rot-weiße Grüße  Werner

[Großer Brockhaus]

14:28 Uhr
@ Rufus_The_Dog

ich schließe mich da Hammys Meinung an. Ich glaube Nick wär sonst auch nicht Eingeladen worden einmal Comfortably Numb auf Dave´s...sorry David´s Tour zu spielen. Richtig "hassen" konnte nur eins Roger Waters  


17:09 Uhr
@ lunatic100

besser wäre es wohl in engl. an PF LTD   gewesen

Wie erreiche ich die? Dann quäle ich auch noch einmal mein Englisch.

Shine On, Frank

Mr. Pink

17:27 Uhr
@ froes

Google hilft:

Pink Floyd Music Ltd
1  Sekforde Street

Grüß schön

falls du den Geschäftsbericht vom letzten Jahr haben willst:

click here


18:38 Uhr

Wie ist das eigentlich auf YouTube
mit der Veröffentlichung von Bootlegs?

Da ist z.B der MrFloydianS...
der fast täglich neue als Musikvideo hochläd,
ist das erlaubt?


04:27 Uhr
@ froes

ich habs mal schnell uebersetzt, ne.

Dear David Gilmour,

ever since my early youth, I have been a huge Pink Floyd Fan, having spent night after night glued to radio and tape recorder just to catch some new songs when played. I could not do this during the day because people would notice and crack down on me (especially the girls).
At university I was lucky enough that one of my colleagues (NOT friend, mind you, the twat, seriously, Ronny, what a pillock) had nearly all of your albums on vinyl, so I spent day after day in his dorm singing along, preventing him from getting laid (Ilse was quite a cunt anyway).
After the wall came down I finally had my big shot: I know you're thinking 'BANANA?', sorry mate, old japes, I bought everything I could on CD and spent thousands of my shiny new Deutschmarks for every shittly little pressing any old dickhead in Japan could have made with his pimped up laserpointer. I mean, whatchagonnado, back then, we spent it all, proactively, so that now we can moan about not having anything left. In my best times, I had 20 versions of Dark Side Of The Moon, one for each Caddy (after you told me to buy one in the album, remember)?
After your concert in Prague in 1994 as part of "The Division Bell Tour", I bought two bootlegs to listen to the same stuff but with added snorting, coughing and czech chit chat at home as well. When you brought out P.U.L.S.E. I bought these as well (because, remember, I need everything at least triple) these quickly became obsolete.
Sooner or later I put them on sale to get rid of them, but obviously, nobody ever wanted this rubbish. So I gave them away, I hear chinese made cigarettes out of them.
The only trace that was left from my activities trying to sell technically illegal material was the reference in my auctions list, the link to which I don't really care to attach.

Wo do you think buys this kind of crap? Obviously only the kind of whacko like me, who literally for decades won't move on and download torrents like the kids do nowadays. We do illegal the old fashioned way. We still do vines, you know?
Who's in harm's way? Nobody. Nobody who should be caring anyway, because everyone else is much, much richer than me. Well, a few people (like me) are trying to make profit with your intellectual property but what the hell.
So who cares? As long as your albums sell and everyone (except me) makes more money. And let me throw some more jealousy in there: Of course your albums sell, I read about a record deal, that means you still make more money (I don't).
Yet that's not enough for you, because your people at Pink Floyd Music Ltd. have activated their henchmen at Sasse & Partner (they have an office in Hamburg) to force off money off your honest fans (that make profit off your intellectual property).
What are you achieving with this (by the way, how do you like my rethorical questions? Germans love these, ever since Goebbels)?
Your fans have no more money to buy new stuff that's coming out (like re-issues of your old albums, because, you know, the "20-rule" mentioned above).
I don't think you know of these conditions, but I am sure you are reading letters like these because when people have nothing else to do than write a thousand words of brathel, you must have time to read them all.
And if you know about all this, what are you trying to proceed against? Shitty recordings that make your art sound horrible, like lomographies of the Mona Lisa? Is that a problem for you as a perfectionist?
You won't make more money off this (I know that, I had a thorough look through your records and can confirm how to not make money), others do that.

Now David, if, after this essay, you still haven't slashed your wrists or downed a can of fertiliser, let me hit you with one final massive blow: Jealous rantings!

Even if you made some more money, you can only play on one strat at a time (unless you're this japanese whizz kid that plays the super mario theme on two guitars at once, have you seen it? awesome. i'll send you the link in my next email).

Shine On, Frank

(thought it's over? naaah, I'll say it again! Check it:)

I can't afford your re-issues anymore (because i need the money for the broadband internet connection, what else am i going to do all day?)

Provia is the crystal meth of the film world.


07:22 Uhr
@ so.iss.das



08:15 Uhr
@ so.iss.das

Stell das ins DG-Blog, und der FEd schaltet's (kopfschüttelnd) frei, wetten?!


The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
  "Wenn Haie sterben, stirbt das Meer"


08:16 Uhr
@ so.iss.das

Thumbs up

Das schreit ja fast nach einer Fortsetzung.  


10:06 Uhr
@ so.iss.das [Tiefflieger]
You "got a sick sense of humour".
One should not conclude from himself to others.

Ach ja, Goebbels ist nicht der Erfinder der Rhetorik, sondern die alten Griechen, insbesondere Aristoteles (auch wenn du das nicht behauptest hast).

...und zu Thema Dave weiß nichts davon. Wessen Unterschrift ist das?

Shine On, Frank    
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