
Phil Rose      [5259]
An analysis of the concept albums of Waters and Pink Floyd

WHICH ONE’S PINK? AN ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT ALBUMS OF ROGER WATERS & PINK FLOYD Anyone familiar with The Wall realises that the work of Roger Waters and Pink Floyd is characterised by an enigmatic quality that has lured music fans for thirty years. For the first time, a systematic and detailed discussion of these works is now available in Phil Rose’s Which One’s Pink ? Drawing on his extensive discussions with Roger Waters, Rose gives attention to lyrics, album covers, and the musical details of each album’s conceptual translation. Among the recordings discussed are The Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, and The Final Cut. This first-time author’s royalties will be donated to "The World Memorial Fund For Disaster Relief". This charity’s mandate is to provide medical care worldwide for those who are suffering as a result of war having devastated their area.

nach ausgiebigem Studium kann ich nur sagen:....sehr empfehlenswert....und Danke, Danke Danke availlable in English language only...


Bruder Franziskus

19:54 Uhr
@ Michello

8,99  bruderfreundlicher Link:

www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ ...

Bruder Franziskus


20:04 Uhr
@ Bruder Franziskus

sehr brüderlich...an gute Freunde tät ich es auch ausleihen....i`ve got it in my sparkling pear....

By the way, ich hab noch was anderes gefunden....pf-related....über die Plastic People in der ehemaligen Tschechoslowakei...die haben damals Dillen und Floyd Songs gecovert....ist ein Theaterstück, auch sehr sehr lesenswert...geht über den Prager Frühling, Vaclav Havel and friends und die Verhältnisse in den late sixties!


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