
The Wall synchron mit Wall-E      [5839]
Was manche Menschen nicht so alles in ihrer freien Zeit testen (und heraus finden):

WALL-E, Pixars poetischer Maschinenliebesfilm, verläuft (angeblich) synchron mit der Studiofassung von THE WALL:

io9.com/5320543/another-br ...

Another Brick in the Wall-E? Pixar Meets Pink Floyd
By Lauren Davis, 4:00 PM on Wed Jul 22 2009

You're probably family with the widespread claims that The Wizard of Oz synchs up with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Now some fans are saying the same is true of robot love story Wall-E and The Wall.

Improv comedian Matt "Tinz" Herzau claims that he deliberately attempted to recreate the magic of Dark Side of the Rainbow, hoping to find another film that would synch up so neatly with a Pink Floyd album. He selected the band's rock opera The Wall and Pixar's film Wall-E based purely on the similar names, and believes he's stumbled onto another striking audiovisual coincidence:

Herzau's video quality leaves much to be desired, but he's not the only one to spot similarities between the album and the film. YouTube user zausuaz made the same discovery, and has the fully synched movie available for download. Among the nuggets he claims we'll see:

          2:55 "drop it on them" he begins to pull out the hub cap
          2:58 "drop it on them" he pulls it out in perfect time of the word "them"
          3:05 GOLDEN! Perfect sync with touching the button on his chest
          3:26 GOLDEN! WALL E comes up PERFECTLY
          3:33 GOLDEN! WALL E logo fades perfectly
          4:14 Cockroach "winks"
          4:40 Walle gets new treads and camera change is perfect for the word "skating"
          5:07 screen opens to show WALLE's on the word "feet"
          5:13 The ship AXIOM on the word "mind"
          5:22 guy next to pool "winks" in time with music
          5:24 captain turns and autopilot begins moving
          5:25 autopilot snaps into position as captian salutes
          5:37 ship pans from people inside to whole view
          5:39 on music change view of "SHELBY FORTHRIGHT" as Axiom takes

I'm not sure whether I should be more surprised that these coincidences occur with not one, but at least two Pink Floyd albums or that there are multiple people who synch Pink Floyd up to random movies just to see what happens.

Und dann dieses hier:

The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?


Bruder Franziskus

13:33 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Oh Weia!

Wir müssen mal testen, ob Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking sich mit Herbie verträgt!

+ Bruder Franziskus +

Double Bubble

13:55 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Sie soll auch genau synchron mit einem Film von Leni Riefenstahl laufen,
das Ganze nennt sich dann u.a. "Pink Floyd Adolf Hitlers Triumph Of The Wall"


13:55 Uhr
@ Bruder Franziskus

nimm lieber ein video von der zugspitze und shine on you crazy diamond dazu , bist mit garantie besser dran .

Sommer ist da !


15:09 Uhr
@ Double Bubble

Es geht noch perverser: "The Dark Side Of The Jew". Für welchen unterirdischen Propagandafilm die Musik missbraucht wurde, muss ich nicht extra erwähnen.


15:37 Uhr
@ Bruder Franziskus

Du meinst, es passt auch zu WALLace & Gromit? Der Stille AnWALLt?

Oder gar ANIMALs Farm?

The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?


20:56 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Natürlich, die Rasenmäher-Spezialitäten, Mäh-Tricks, fehlten noch:


Mir Schwabe könnet alles - bloß kein Hochdeutsch

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