
Brain Damage verlost signiertes Buch "the Wall"      [6417]

Signed copy of Gerald Scarfe's "The Wall" book to be won
Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Gerald Scarfe - The Making of Pink Floyd The WallFurther to our recent stories regarding Gerald Scarfe's "The Making of Pink Floyd: The Wall", including the set of three special video interviews with Gerald, for Brain Damage, we now have a great competition for you to mark the UK publication this week of the book itself.

"The Making of Pink Floyd: The Wall" is the authorized, definitive book about the project and includes new commentaries from the surviving members of Pink Floyd: Roger Waters, David Gilmour and Nick Mason, together with the director of the film, Sir Alan Parker. Roger Waters has written the foreword. The album imagery, stage performances and film were created in close collaboration with Gerald Scarfe, and his massive archive includes original storyboards, animation cells, concept drawings, models and other three-dimensional material together with photographs of the creation and staging of the live performances and the filming of The Wall.

Three lucky Brain Damage readers will win their own copy of this book - one of which will be especially signed by Gerald Scarfe himself!

In the book, Gerald also relates his own experiences of working with the band from the early days of Wish You Were Here to the Pros and Cons Of Hitchhiking with Roger Waters, after his break with the other band members, as well as his work for the new live show of The Wall. Thirty years after the first live performance was staged, Roger Waters is of course taking the show back on the road for a multi-city tour of the US from September 2010 to be followed in the spring of 2011 by a jaunt around Europe, bringing the album and the band right back into the headlines.

You can secure your copy of this wonderful book now, saving up to 37% off the retail price, by ordering from Amazon UK, Amazon US/International, Amazon Canada, Amazon France, Amazon Germany, or Play.com.

With thanks to the publishers, we have three copies of this book to be won - one of which is signed by Gerald Scarfe himself specifically for this Brain Damage competition!

To be in with a chance of winning a copy of the book just answer the following question correctly:

    * Which fictional character was "Pink" originally based on?

Please email your answer to matt@brain-damage.co[punkt]uk*, with the subject line of "Gerald Scarfe's Wall book contest". Include your name and postal address, as we'll need that if you win!

Entries need to be received by 11:59pm GMT on November 6th, 2010, with the three lucky winners announced the following day. Good luck everyone!

Das Buch ist dieses hier:

*Von mir so angepasst, im Original ist ein SpamBot-Cracker vorgeschaltet.

The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

Ich bin nicht hier zum Streit vermeiden!
  Ich hab' Heidenspass! Wahner Heide!

"Wenn Haie sterben, stirbt das Meer" - Haie hat man nicht zum Fressen gern! Ohne Haie wär' hier gar nichts los!


16:03 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Ui, da mach ich miiiiiiit!


This used to be a Funhouse- But now it's full of evil clowns ;D


16:51 Uhr
@ Vicy

Weißt Du denn die Antwort auf "Which fictional character was "Pink" originally based on?"?

The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

Ich bin nicht hier zum Streit vermeiden!
  Ich hab' Heidenspass! Wahner Heide!

"Wenn Haie sterben, stirbt das Meer" - Haie hat man nicht zum Fressen gern! Ohne Haie wär' hier gar nichts los!


16:53 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Du weißt es !


Pink Floyd cover statt BILDERBÜCHER!


16:59 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Nop, werds schon noch rausfinden. (Erst mal übersetzen ) Bin nur grad noch in der Schule und sollte versuchen halbwegs aufzupassen ;D


This used to be a Funhouse- But now it's full of evil clowns ;D


17:02 Uhr
@ Vicy

16:59 Uhr in der Schule?

41 Jahre mit Pink Floyd - click here


17:03 Uhr
@ vonanfangan

Wieso nicht? Jeden Tag außer Freitag 8-18 Uhr Unterricht.


This used to be a Funhouse- But now it's full of evil clowns ;D


17:04 Uhr
@ Vicy


41 Jahre mit Pink Floyd - click here


17:09 Uhr
@ vonanfangan

Nix besonderes, höhere Schule. Ich bin eh noch gut dabei, manche in meinem Alter in der HTL haben bis 7!


This used to be a Funhouse- But now it's full of evil clowns ;D


17:17 Uhr
@ vonanfangan

when i was working from nine to five!  
biding my time 1971


Pink Floyd cover statt BILDERBÜCHER!


17:20 Uhr
@ Vicy

kindergarten geht wann los ? (ab 3 jahren?)
volks(grund)schule (ab 6 jahren?)


immer von 0730 - je älter desto länger!


vollends eigespeist und aufgelöst im SYSTEM!


Pink Floyd cover statt BILDERBÜCHER!


10:09 Uhr
@ r.w.

Ich frage mich, warum es die Antwort ( click here - ACHTUNG! Dann ist eigenes Raten/Wissen vorbei! ) nicht auch auf Deutsch gibt ...


14:15 Uhr
@ KatzenHai

Bisserl überleg ich noch, erst wenn ich gar nicht draufkomm nehm ich den Link :)


This used to be a Funhouse- But now it's full of evil clowns ;D

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